"Christina, Queen of Sweden" Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Clock Hands from c.1882 (Eyes), Antique Sheet Music from c.1877, Antique Victorian Mourning Dress Parts from c.1855 (Bust), Antique Piano Parts c.1898, Antique Clocks from the late 1800s, Antique Clock Hands c.1888 (Eyes), Paper Mache (Collar is 3D) on Canvas with Glossy Resin Glaze (Shines like glass), 48 x 60 x 3" (Collection of "The Roost" in Key West, FL)

“Tempus Fugit (Time Flies) Suite : Vol. I” Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Door Knob Face from c.1840’s, Antique Sheet Music from c. 1878, Real Butterflies, Antique Clock Parts/Hands from the late 1800s & Early 20th Century, Antique Skeleton Keys from the late 1800s, w/ Glossy Glaze on Canvas (shines like glass), 60 x 48 x 4" (Collection of Bobbie Cotton, Key West, FL)

“Natura, Artis Magistra (Nature, the Mistress of Art) Oceanus Suite: Vol. V" Acrylic, Ink, Paper Mache, Antique Sheet Music from c.1870s (vase, table & background), Antique Piano Parts from the late 1800s, Butterflies, Starfish, Sand Dollars with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas, 24 x 48 x 3” (Collection of Phil Schraeder & Wes Harris - Los Angeles, CA)

"Homage to Pythagoras Suite: Vol. I" Acrylic, Paper (triangles pop off canvas up to 1"), Ink with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas, 60x30x3"
(Collection of Bobby Uzel - Washington, DC)

"The Conch Pirate" Acrylic, Ink, Antique Sheet Music from c.1877 (background), Antique Clock (eye) c.1892 Antique Keys c.1888, Antique Belt Buckle c.1890, Starfish, Butterflies, with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas, 36 x 40 x 3" (Collection of John Lepouski of Key West 24 Hour Fitness, Key West, FL)

"Thetis the Sea Nymph" Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Sheet Music c.1870s, Antique Porcelain Clock Dial (eye), Starfish, Sand Dollars, Butterflies, Sea Urchins (necklace), Snail Shells with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas, 28.75 x 48 x 3" & "Papilio Super Aurum (Butterfly On Gold)" Acrylic, Ink, Antique Sheet Music from c.1870s with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Wood, 8 x 10 x 2"
(Collection of Kim & Joe Cartwright - Key West, FL)

"The Goddess Of Time" Acrylic, Ink, Over 100 Antique Clocks & Pocket Watch Dials from c.1890s, Antique Sheet Music c.1878, Antique Clock Hands c.1890s, on Canvas with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) 30 x 40 x 3" (Collection of Jeff Rogers, Houston, TX)

"Night In The City: DC Suite (40x60"), Elizabeth Defeating the Armada (40x60"), King Charles I (24x30"), Tempus Edax (40x60"), Night In The City: DC 4th Of July (32 x48")" Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Sheet Music c.1870s, Various Antique Items
(Collection of Brandon Hadley & Justin Webster - Washington, DC)

“Doris, The Sea Nymph” Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Porcelain Clock Dial c.1890s (eye), Dried & Painted Passion Flowers (hair), Sea Urchins (necklace), Starfish, on Canvas with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) 24x30x4" (Sold - Private Collection, Fort Lauderdale, FL)

“Navigare Necesse Est (To Sail Is Necessary) Suite: Vol. I & II, Lunar Stillness Suite Vol VII, Who's Paying For Dinner, The Conch Seahorse, & The Letter 'W' From Key West Alphabet c.1912” (Collection of Phil Shraeder & Wes Harris - Key West, FL)

"Conch Cock Suite: Vol. VI & VII" Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Sheet Music (water & clouds) c.1947 of 'Beyond The Sea' (daytime scene) and 'A Sailboat In The Moonlight' c.1937 (nighttime scene), Antique Clock Face c.1890s (Eye), Real Butterflies on Canvas with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) 24x30x2" each (Collection of Jon Michael & Christopher Hernandez - Key West, FL)

“Rock Lobstah Suite: Vol II” Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Sheet Music from c. 1870s, Antique Clocks c.1890s (eyes) w/ Glossy Glaze on Canvas 16 x 20 x 2” (Collection of Keith & Kristen Kelly M'Sadoques - Newport, RI)

“Munit Haec et Altera Vincit (One Defends & the Other Conquers)” Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Antique Sheet Music from c. 1855, Real Flowers & Butterflies, Antique Piano Parts from c.1898, Antique Porcelain & Metal Clock Parts c. the mid-1800s, Paper Mache w/ Glossy Glaze on Canvas 48 x 48 x 3” (Collection of Michael Cooley, Arlington, VA)

"Natura, Artis Magistra (Nature, the Mistress of Art): Vol. I" Acrylic, Ink, Paper Mache, Wood, Antique Sheet Music from c.1879 & c.1861, Antique Piano Parts from the late 1800s, Real Flowers, Real Butterflies, with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas, 24 x 36 x 3" (Collection of Amanda Katz, Pittsburgh, PA)

"Larunda the Naiad" Acrylic, Ink, Pastel, Paper Mache, Real Flower, Hemp (hair pops off canvas 1/2") with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas, 22 x 28" (Collection of Patty & Fred Simonton -Washington, DC)

“Six Degrees Of Separation" Acrylic, Pastel, Paper Mache (eyes, noses, mouths, etc are sculptured & pop off canvas up to 1.5"), on Canvas with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) 48X28"
(Collection of Brian Foley & Russell Munos - Arlington, VA)

"Flower Splash Suite: Vol. VII" Acrylic, Pastel, Ink, Paper Mache (vase & flowers pop off canvas 1/2"), Antique Sheet Music c.1879, with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas, 10 x 12" (Hanging in the Borderstan Office; Collection of Matthew Rhoades & Luis Armando Gomez- Washington, DC)

"Black Beauty" Acrylic, Pastel, Tile Parts, Sand, copy of 'Black Beauty' c.1952 on Masonite with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass), 32x40x5" (Collection of Sylvia Williams, Washington, DC)

"Homage To Pythagoras Suite: Vol. II" Acrylic, Ink, Paper with Glossy Resin Glaze (shines like glass) on Canvas 22 x 28 x 2" & "Billie Holiday" Acrylic, Ink on Paper 22 x 28 x 2" (Collection of Jenny & John Robertson, Washington DC)

"The Gripps" Acrylic, Ink on Paper 22x28" & "Jackie & Sue" Pastel on Paper 8x8" (Collection of Sue & Lou Malizia and Lisa & Brad Bryan - Silver Spring, MD)

"S. Christa McAuliffe & The Challenger Crew"
Graphite on Paper c.1996-1998, 30 x 26" Each
Gifted to her mother, Grace Corrigan c.1998 ~ On Exhibition @ The Henry Whittemore Library at Framingham State College, near the Christa McAuliffe Learning Center; Framingham, Mass
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